Eleven Indian Sanitation Workers Win Life-Changing Lottery Jackpot, Easing Burdens of Debt and Struggle

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Lucky 11: Friends share a $4 lottery ticket and a fortune in prize

In a heartwarming and inspiring story from India, eleven women who work together as sanitation workers decided to pool their money to buy a lottery ticket when they couldn't afford it individually. To their delight and astonishment, they won the jackpot of $A1.85 million, a life-changing amount for workers earning approximately $A4 a day.

These deserving winners were burdened with debts incurred for essential expenses like medical treatments, education for their children, and marriage dowries. Most of them were struggling to make ends meet on their meager wages. 

The lottery win comes as a great relief to them, as they plan to use the money to settle loans and pay overdue bills, bringing some peace of mind after years of financial hardship.

Moreover, five of the lucky winners are from the Dalit community, a marginalized social class that has faced mistreatment and violence despite constitutional protections. Their victory holds even more significance as it breaks barriers and challenges the discriminatory norms of India's hierarchical caste system.