A scratch off lottery player from Suffolk scoops $10 million recently

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A scratch off lottery player from Suffolk scoops a big jackpot recently

Loyal lottery players call it the mother of all multipliers — New York Lottery’s 200X instant scratch-off game.

And on Tuesday, a Suffolk County man hit it big, claiming the game’s top prize of $10 million, lottery officials announced.

The winner opted for a lump sum payment of $6.51 million after required withholdings. His family has requested that he not be identified.

He purchased the winning ticket in Queens at Nor-Parsons Service Center, 73-15 Parsons Blvd., Fresh Meadows. Lottery officials confirmed that all top prizes for the 200X game have now been claimed. Lower-tier prizes can still be cashed through May 28.

The winner has only 180 days from the day of the lottery draw to claim the winning prize money, lottery officials said.