A Middlesex county player wins $20,000 recently in scratch off lottery game

A lottery player in Middlesex County won $20,000 on Sunday, Feb. 2, playing the Crossword scratch-off. The winning ticket was sold at Krauszer's Food Store in Piscataway, 424 S. Washington Ave.
The CROSSWORD ticket features two play areas; a YOUR LETTERS play area with opaque scratch-off material and one CROSSWORD PUZZLE with transparent scratch-off material.
The game is played by gently removing the scratch-off material on the YOUR LETTERS play area. Then the player gently removes the scratch-off material on the corresponding letters in the CROSSWORD PUZZLE.
Players win by revealing 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 complete words in the CROSSWORD PUZZLE to win a prize according to the PRIZE LEGEND. Only the highest instant prize paid per ticket. Players have one chance to win on this ticket.